Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all. PEACE is more than joy, and is far deeper than happiness. It is that restful sense that all is well which comes from confiding in the word of God. Christ Jesus is called “ the Lord of peace.” He is the only Man who ever walked through this world of conflict, conflict between light and darkness, yet He walked in perfect peace at all times – until in Gethsemane He faced the judgement He was to bear when taking the sinner’s place upon the cross. As a result of that work peace has been made between God and the needy sinner, a peace which is entered into by faith alone.But there is not only peace with God which has to do with the sin question which has been settled forever. The peace of God is poured daily into the heart that learns to commit all to Him in prayer. There is calm – the calm of sins forgiven. Through knowing sin on Christ by God was laid; and looking upon Him and resting on His merit and knowing that our debt He fully paid. And there is a calm about the unknown future; the earthly road; the fuller life above; And things unknown here and in life’s hereafter- Vex not the soul who knows that God is Love.
Have a peaceful weekend with every blessing from above.