Reacting in the Transcendent Life (2)
Bible Verses
2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound unto
you, that, in everything always having all sufficiency, you
may abound unto every good work;
1 Thessalonians 3:12 And the Lord cause you to increase and abound
in love to one another and to all, just as we also to you,
Words of Ministry
[Part 2 of 2]
To transcend means to be on top. Suppose someone strikes your
right cheek. If you try to remember Matthew 5 and say, “I am
determined to let him strike. If he wants my tunic, I will
give him my tunic reluctantly. If he forces me to walk one
mile, I will force myself to accompany him two miles.” This
kind of behavior is useless. This is not transcending. Who
can give their other cheek? It is those who, when insulted,
realize that they have received a rich life from the Lord.
Christians are never reluctant people, and the Christian
reaction never just meets the minimum requirement.
A sister once said, “I almost lost my temper!” She sounded
very victorious when she said this. But this is not a
Christian reaction. A Christian reaction does much more than
what is needed; it stands the challenges well. Some people
are extremely unkind to you; that is the “right cheek.” If
you can return kindness to them and still be victorious
before God, that is the “left cheek.” The “left cheek” speaks
of abundance. It denotes surplus. The Christian victory is
not a meager victory. The Christian victory is an overflowing
victory. Christians should always have a surplus; they should
always transcend their experience. Christian victory never
comes by force; it is never achieved by gritting one’s teeth
or arguing. Christian victory is always easy to come by. May
the Lord enlarge us again and again, and may we express the
grace of God’s children again and again.