The Passers Through (A basic study on the Epistle to the Hebrews)-Thomson B Thomas
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The Passers Through which is the meaning of the word ‘Hebrews,’ is a elementary and essential study on the epistle to Hebrews. This epistle presents the greatness of the Lord Jesus in His person and work.
Just as exquisite roses bloom among the these glories of the Lord, in this epistle are seen amid some of the most difficult passages in the Bible. Probably, for this reason, seldom do believers dwell in its pages, to glean truths from it. This results in the neglect of the study of one of the most important portions of the Bible, resulting in the loss of much knowledge about Him, which could have been gained. The attempt in this volume has been to take the readers through the book, to create interest in its truths, help unravel some of the gems hidden therein, make them love the Lord more, and live to the glory of the Lord.
This volume presents Christ in His greatness and glory in a manner understandable to anyone. It explains its difficult passages with clarity, and expounds its major doctrines of the priesthood of Jesus and covenants clearly. The truths on the greatness and the goodness of the Lord is made accessible to all. The language is lucid and simple. The Study of ‘The Passers Through’ would enrich any careful reader.
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