Out of the Bulrushes
Full colour picture strips. These books are suitable for children and new literates. The simple Bible story told in pictures and captions, forms a good basis for the Gospel.
The children of Israel had settled in Egypt and for years they lived happily there. They had become rich and prosperous. Then many years later a new king began to rule over Egypt, a king who had forgotten that it was their ancestor Joseph who had saved. Egypt from famine, but a king who saw the prosperity of the Hebrews and began to fear them. So he made them slaves and from daylight to dark Hebrew men and boys were driven from their homes and forced to work under whip-cracking slave drivers. But the Hebrews were strong and continued to multiply so the king decreed that every Hebrews baby boy were killed. The cruel order was carried out. Hebrew mothers and fathers risked their lived to protect their sons but the king’s men never gave up the search. At this time was born a baby boy, who was to lead his people out of captivity.
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