~~~~~~~~ Bible Verses ~~~~~~~~
Gen 4:26 And to Seth also a son was born, and he called his
name Enosh. At that time men began to call upon the name of
Rom 10:13 For “whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall
be saved.”
~~~~~~~ Words of Ministry ~~~~~~~~
[Part 2 of 3]
When we see that our life is vanity and that we ourselves are
frail, spontaneously we will call upon the name of the Lord.
This is the reason that Genesis 4:26 says, “Then began men to
call upon the name of the Lord.” From the time of Enosh, the
third generation of mankind, men began to call upon the name
of the Lord, realizing their weakness, fragility, and
When we are careless about God, we do not call on His name.
However, when we realize that we must live for Him and worship
Him in His way, and when we realize that we are frail and
mortal and that our life is nothing but vanity, spontaneously,
from deep within us, we not only pray, but call upon the name
of the Lord.
Some Christians think that calling on the Lord is the same as
praying to Him. Formerly, I held the same concept. One day,
however, the Lord showed me that calling on His name is
different from merely praying. Yes, calling is a type of
prayer, for it is a part of our prayer, but calling is not
merely praying. The Hebrew word for call means to “call out
to,” “to cry unto,” that is, to cry out. The Greek word for
call means “to invoke a person,” “to call a person by name.”
In other words, it is to call a person by naming him audibly.
Although prayer may be silent, calling must be audible.
~~~~~~~~ Bible Verses ~~~~~~~~
Gen 4:2 And again she gave birth to his brother Abel….
Gen 4:26 And to Seth also a son was born, and he called his
name Enosh. At that time men began to call upon the name of
~~~~~~~ Words of Ministry ~~~~~~~~
[Part 1 of 3]
In Genesis 4 we find two names which are especially
meaningful. The first one is Abel, which means “vanity.” As a
result of the fall, the human life became a vanity. Look at
people today. Although they are very busy, within them there
is a gap, a void. Deep within them is a sense of emptiness.
Regardless of your social status, regardless how wealthy or
how successful you are, when you sit alone in the quiet of the
night or early morning, you know there is a gap within you.
That emptiness is the vanity that I am talking about. This is
exactly what the wise King Solomon meant when he said, “Vanity
of vanities, all under the sun are vanity” (Eccl. 1:2-3).
…we must realize that as fallen men without God everything
we are, have, and do is empty. We are nothing but vanity.
The second name which is especially meaningful is Enosh, which
means “frail, mortal man.” After the fall, not only did human
life become a vanity, but man also became frail and mortal. We
must admit that we are frail, weak, and easily broken. How
easily we fail! Man is mortal. No one can boast that he will
live another week. No man knows his tomorrow. To escape
the…fall of man we need to realize both the vanity of human
life and the fragility of man. If we have this realization, we
will have no trust in ourselves and, thus, we will not be
presumptuous in departing from the way of God.
JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. The incarnation of our blessed Lord is the sacred secret, but now made known by the Holy Spirit. It is written as “great is the mystery of godliness: What does it speak of? It tells how the Son of God left the realm of heaven and appeared before men as a real and sinless human being. The simple answer is amplified for us in scripture….that God manifested in flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory…God in flesh. Angels, the Shepherds and the Wise men beheld their Creator clothed in the body of the Babe of Bethlehem. The Deity is enshrined in Humanity in the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ. The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven to earth is one of the fundamental features of the Christian faith. It is the foundation to the whole body of revealed truth concerning His glorious person and the redemptive work of Christ upon Calvary’s Hill. It has in view the distinctive and unique doctrine of God becoming Man; of the revelation of God in human form. It is a faithful saying, right and good saying without any shadow of doubt that Jesus Christ is come into the world. His coming was the subject of promise and dealt prophetically in the Old Testament. The first of many promises is the seed of woman, recorded in the book of Genesis. It was spoken immediately after the fall of man. It was a word of judgement addressed to the one who had invaded Eden. But it contained the promise of deliverance and blessing for sinful man. We see here the coming of a deliverer who is described as the woman’s Seed. The main point of the promise is that He would be a real human being. And there is more to it than that the expression “her seed”. We should consider in the light of Isaiah’s prophecy and the record of the gospels. Then we see a prophetic indication of His coming that He shall be born of a virgin, recorded in the book of Isaiah. We are all the seed of men; yet according to this promise He would be the seed of the woman. And further promise was made to Abraham. “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth shall be blessed. This promise has direct reference to Christ, which is seen in the epistle of Galatians. And to thy seed, which is Christ.”There is no contradiction here, for while as to the actual mode of birth He would be the seed of the woman, in legal descent He would be also the seed of Abraham. So, what does it speak to us? The first established His Humanity and the second points to His Nationality. David the king received a similar promise. “Thy seed will I establish forever.” Again this has in view of our blessed Lord. It is revealed crystal clear that in addition to His Humanity and Nationality, Royalty would belong to Him, for He would be the royal lineage of David. It also had the effect of narrowing the promise to within the limits of one family, the royal house of David. Look at the beginning statement of the New Testament, recorded in the gospel of Mathew, with reference to Abraham and David. Here we have legal and royal genealogy of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. A great account of truth is involved in these two relationships, especially in regard to the nation of Israel. Sonship includes heirship. As the son of Abraham, Christ is heir to the land promised by God; as the Son of David, He is heir to the throne occupied by David. Another thought here, as son of Abraham, we see Him on the Altar, and for this He was made little lower than the angel for experiencing the reality of the pain death. As Son of David, will, one day, see Him on the throne. One is fulfilled and the second is yet to be fulfilled. God manifestly seen and heard. And heaven’s beloved One. In Him, most perfectly expressed. The Father’s glories shine, of the full Deity possessed, Eternally divine. True image of the Infinite, Whose essence is concealed; Brightness of uncreated light, The heart of God revealed. But the high mysteries of His name. Throughout the universe of bliss. The centre Thou, and Sun, the eternal theme of praise is this, to heaven’s beloved One.
Have a blessed weekend and Christo-centric Lord’s day with every blessing.