Monthly Archives: September 2020

Where is the wise?


An erstwhile bitter enemy of the cross of Christ, Paul the apostle makes a bewildering statement regarding the ‘great divide’ the cross of Christ made among human beings-the one perishing to whom the preaching of the cross is foolishness and to the saved the power of God. God the Almighty pronounces a stern warning to the entire horde of the intellectuals, ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise’ (1 Cor.1:19; Isa.29:14) We really praise God for giving great scientists, like Galileo, Einstein, John Isaac Newton, Thomas Alva Edison, Samuel Hahnemann, etc., who sacrificed their lives in making human life a comfortable one with their inventions and discoveries. A true scientist is the one who not only marvels at the manner the creation came into existence but also will be immensely curious to know its Creator.

A few scientists who believed in the existence of God (from Evidence of God site) A Polish astronomer Copernicus propounded the solar centric theory. Copernicus referred sometimes to God in his works and did not see his system as in conflict with the Bible.

1.Nicholas.Copernicus(1473- 1543) A Polish astronomer Copernicus propounded the solar centric theory. Copernicus referred sometimes to God in his works and did not see his system as in conflict with the Bible.

2.Johannes.Kepler(1571-1630). A brilliant mathematician and astronomer he worked on light and established the laws of planetary motion about the sun. Well before Newton was born he proposed the concept of universal gravity. He was a very sincere and pious Lutheran believer.


His solar-centered theory has invited the wrath of the then Roman Catholic church. He staunchly believed the Biblical view of the creation and said that the Bible cannot err.


Called the father of modern philosophy he made valuable contributions to mathematics and philosophy. He was devout Roman Catholic with strong passion to discover truth. His famous “I think therefore I am” is the proof that God exists. Rene Descartes and Francis Bacon had systems in which God was important and both seem very devout in their period.


A French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and theologian Pascal established the foundation for probability theory, invented a mechanical calculator and established the principles of vacuum and the pressure of air. In his most popular religious writing ‘Pascal’s Wager’ he writes about the search of God in the section Pensees (Thoughts) which he means ‘the quest for meaning in life, not least of all because God provides the hope that we can be redeemed from misery and death’ Pascal’s last words were, “May God never abandon me.”


An undisputed genius and innovation with his contributions to mathematics, mechanics and optics Newton ‘was devoutly religious’ and saw numbers as involved in understanding God’s plan for history from the Bible’ and did a considerable work on biblical numerology. He emphasized the essentiality of God to the nature and absoluteness of space. In Principia he stated, “The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.”


He is popular for “Boyle’s Law” for gases. It is said he took special interest in the propagation of Christian faith abroad by providing finances for the translation of the New Testament in Irish and Turkish. In his writing The Christian Virtuoso, he emphasized that the study of nature was a central religious duty.” He wrote against atheism and was devout Christian of his day.


the greatest scientists of the 19th century worked on electricity and magnetism which not only revolutionized physics but led to the invention of computers and telephone lines and web sites. He was a devout Christian member of the Sandemanians, who rejected the idea of state churches and tried to implement the New Testament pattern principles.


Best known for the equation E=mc2 , Einstein is a highly revered scientist of the twentieth century. ‘He recognized the impossibility of a non-created universe’. Denying atheism, he expressed a belief in “Spinoza’s God who reveals himself in the harmony of what exists.” He once remarked to a young physicist: “I want to know how God created this world…I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.” Einstein’s famous epithet on the “uncertainty principle” was “God does not play dice” – and to him this was a real statement about a God in whom he believed. A famous saying of his was “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”

The deception of the devil:

The devil is misleading the wise who deceive themselves by making them to think that they are wise enough and there is no need to know things which are incomprehensible to their minds, by that concluding the non-existence of a Supernatural Being. Instead of thanking and praising God for the wisdom He has liberally granted to them in their pursuit of scientific development, some have totally ignored and ridiculed the very existence of God because their minds eyes are blinded by the ‘god of this age'(2Cor.4:4). The three wise men from the East reached up to Jerusalem sincerely following the star, which showed them way for about two years of journey. As long as they were dependent upon the star they had no problem. The star came and stood on the house where young child Jesus was. After reaching Jerusalem the wise men seem to have used their own wisdom instead of simply following the star. They might have reasoned among themselves that a king has to be born in the royal palace. At this juncture, the star was not in their sight. Yes, when we ignore divine wisdom and guidance, God will leave us to confusion. After speaking with Herod when they came out the star appeared to them again, to show how foolish they were in seeking the child in the palace. Their unwise behavior wrought havoc and resulted in the death of young boys under the age of two years. It is wise that the wise of this world as well as the believers depend totally on the wisdom of God than trying to reason out with own worldly wisdom.

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking, who spent his lifetime to search the secrets of the universe and explore the marvelous stellar bodies could not accept the eternal power and (Godhead) Deity of God (Rom.1:19-20), who created all that he was dealing with. Like so many atheist scientists, Hawking’s eyes could not comprehend the glory of God while he was gazing at the heavens and the firmament (Ps.19:1). He neither could hear the silent speech and language nor line and the words of day and night (v.2). Though Hawking made invaluable contributions to the field of science his comprehension of God was dismal and his destination could most probably be awfully abysmal, as till his end he did not seem to have realized his folly and hence need to recognize the Creator of the universe and lay his head into the hands of Jesus while in his wheel chair, like what the second dying thief did on the cross. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise that they are vain(1Cor.3:19,20).

The Sovereign Choice of God:

Whereas, the world knew not God by wisdom, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe(1Cor.1:21). He has chosen the foolish, weak, base things, things which are despised and things which are not, in order to confound the wise, the mighty, and to bring to naught the things that are(vv.26-28). In His fury God is bent upon to destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent(1Cor.1:19). At the cross the worldly wisdom was blasted off and the citadel of the devil and his hosts was pounded to the ground(Col.2:15). The understanding of the world was put to nothing by the preaching of cross. In the resurrection the last weapon of Satan was completely destroyed when the risen Jesus Christ made a triumphant cry, ‘O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?'(1Cor.15:55). God’s grace is manifested in choosing the unwise men and women like us and Christ is made our wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption (1Cor.1:30)

The wise thing to do:

Solomon, the wise who got more wisdom than all that have been before him in Jerusalem, had great experience of wisdom and knowledge, gave his heart to know wisdom, lamented at the end that it is vexation of spirit and in much wisdom is much grief(Eccl.1:16,17). True wisdom according to the Bible is, knowing the Creator and His purpose for every human being and appreciating His work of salvation on the cross of Calvary where He offered His own begotten Son, Lord Jesus Christ as propitiation for our sins. In Christ all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden (Col.2:3). To become truly wise, one must become a fool and trust the gospel while wisdom is crying outside in the streets (Prov.1:20- 22). Christ gave us the knowledge about God(Jn.1:18,1Jn.5:20). Let us proclaim this wisdom.

By Phelix Edward




The Disciples of Christ have always been marked by certain peculiar attitudes to life which differ from what is commonly found in the society around. Because of these differences people called the followers of Christ ‘Christians.’ The Jewish authorities recognized it and the people of the first century understood it. But living among non-disciples and constantly interacting with them can tempt one to follow their ways. So, the Lord Jesus and the Apostles warned the disciples against following the Gentile ways. But, if we still live like the Gentiles, what should we call ourselves? Christian Gentiles!! There are three areas of life where Christian thoughts and the Gentile ways conflict: Life focus, Lifestyle and Religious life.


The whole universe was created through Christ and for Christ [Col. 1:16]. That makes it mandatory for all creations to follow His instructions. But for a Gentile who neither understands nor acknowledges this fact, the material world is all that matters. So, he focuses his attention on the physical world. Disciples, on the other hand, acknowledge Christ as their Creator and also the Redeemer who has purchased them by His blood. That doubly motivates them to please Christ through their life and actions.

Once Adam and Eve were debarred from Eden, they had to spend a lot of their time on their basic physical necessities. Food and clothing became the primary concern of their life. As time went on, improving the means of sensual pleasures through cuisine, clothing and culture took prominence in their social and personal lives. Christ came to overturn this trend and make things as it was originally intended.

Adam and Eve had to just stretch out their hands and pluck the fruits that God had provided them. Their effort was limited to gathering what God had supplied. They were totally dependent on God for all their needs. Referring to the basic needs of life, the Lord Jesus told His disciples: “the Gentiles seek after all these things” [Matt. 6:32]. By contrast we disciples receive the necessities of life from God as our first parents did in Eden. God is our Provider. He gives us the means of livelihood as He is concerned about us. Meanwhile we are called on to give first priority to live by the principles of the Kingdom of God and manifesting His character in all our dealings.


A person’s lifestyle is determined by his priorities in life. Paul gives clear instructions concerning the disciples’ lifestyle, contrasting it with that of the Gentiles: “walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind” [Eph. 4:17]. The Gentiles glory in the temporary glitter and physical and mental pleasure of the world. Show and pomp takes the centre stage in their life. But from God’s perspective all that they do are unprofitable. Paul elaborates this point further: “each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honour, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God” [1Thess. 4:4-5]. Their lifestyle turns around the “lust of the body, lust of the eyes and the pride of life” unlike the disciples whose primary concern is to live a holy life that pleases their Lord.

The social life of the Gentiles are meant to keep their status intact. They would move around only among the people of their own social status. They think that they would lose their social respect if they associated with the economically and socially ‘lower’ people. For that purpose, elaborate social structures have been made. Apostle John calls it ‘the pride of life.’ The Lord Jesus warned His disciples against this: “if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?” [Matt. 5:47]. Christ made no distinction between the different social strata. He ate with the tax collectors and sinners, the social outcasts and also the religious leaders. For a disciple of Christ, social functions are to be occasions of uplifting the poor and lowly people of the society and not a means of showing off one’s status and dignity [Luke 14:13- 14].

Another characteristic of the Gentile lifestyle is powermongering. When God created Adam and Eve, they were to have dominion over the animal world and not each other. Adam named all the creatures, establishing his authority over them. His wife was to be a suitable companion of equal status, though man was the head of the family. But the situation changed after they sinned. The man’s dominion was extended to the woman as a punishment to her [Gen. 3:16]. Man set his seal on that by naming his wife afresh as he had done to the animals earlier. As time passed, the human society was categorized into races, castes and classes based often on their economic and political power. That is why Christ told His disciples: “the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant” [Matt. 20:25-26]. This is an indication of the reestablishment of the pre-fall social structure among the disciples.


Talking about the false teachers who are in reality wolves in sheep’s clothing, Apostle Paul says about them, “their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things” [Philip. 3:19]. For them, religion was a means of enhancing their wealth, social status and power. This is true about the Gentiles as well. Their primary concern in prayer is their physical needs. Apostle Paul’s prayers for the disciples show the difference. Although he was thoughtful about their physical welfare, His overwhelming concern was their spiritual condition and development.

The Gentiles’ prayer show their attitude to God. Talking about that, the Lord suggests that they think they can force God to act in their favour by the beauty and forcefulness of their language or repeating the same prayer over and over again. The Lord warns the disciples against such an approach: “when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words” [Matt. 6:7]. For them, God exists to do their bidding. This is in total contrast to the attitude of a disciple, who lives to do all that the Master tells him to do whatever be the cost he may have to bear for it. Do our prayers also degenerate into the level of the Gentiles sometimes?


As Christ’s disciples, our attitudes, goals, life style and approach to God are expected to reflect our special relationship with Him. As in the first century, do the general public perceive that we are different? Or, are we also just doing religion like the Gentiles? Do we really give God the place of honour in all areas of life? If not, the name of God and our Lord Jesus Christ will be blasphemed among the Gentiles [Rom. 2:24]. Let’s make sure that we are Godpleasers.

By Sam N Jacob



[The author explains how evil can be reconciled with the existence of God]

Charles Templeton, a well-known evangelist and friend of Billy Graham, renounced his faith. While interviewing him for his book The Case for Faith, Lee Strobel asked him if there was any particular thing that caused him to lose his faith in God. “It was a photo of a woman in Northern Africa (which was then experiencing a drought)”, said Templeton. “She was holding her dead baby in her arms and looking to heaven with a most forlorn expression. I thought, ‘Is it possible to believe that there is a loving and caring Creator when all this woman needed was rain?’” The existence of evil and suffering in the world is a prime reason that atheists give for refusing to believe in the existence of God. In this article, we shall attempt to give a Biblical response to the problem of evil.

Preliminary considerations

The knowledge or experience of any single human is a mere speck compared to the entire spectrum of human experience, and also minuscule compared to God (even those who question God’s existence will agree that if He exists, He must be big!). Therefore, it must not surprise us if we find it difficult to reconcile everything, we observe with our core beliefs. God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). In Job chapters 38 and 39, we are reminded that we did not create this universe and we don’t sustain it. As Creator and Sustainer, God knows what He is doing or allowing, even if it stretches our mind. At the same time, God reveals what He does to His prophets (Amos 3:7) and through Jesus Christ. Therefore, we can understand something of God’s ways, including why He has permitted evil.

The Origin of Evil We learn from Genesis 1-3 that when God created the first man and woman, He gave them a commandment. However, they chose to disobey God. They became alienated from God and acquired a tendency to do wrong, which they passed to all their descendants. God judged Adam and Eve just as He had warned them. They would now experience toil, disease, and death. The whole of nature was also cursed when man fell.

Why did God make humans at all?

(So much suffering would be avoided if He didn’t make us) Answer: Because He had a redemption plan that will make the goodness in eternity outweigh the evil.

Why did God give a test to the first humans (and thus allow the possibility of evil)?

There are at least two reasons: One: Without a test, the obedience of our first parents would be “by default”. They would love God only because there was no other alternative. But such love is not true! A truly meaningful, loving relationship is possible only when it is voluntary, that is, the option of rejection is available. God wanted a meaningful relationship with intelligent beings because it brings joy – robots and puppets do not. The same principle also answers the question as to why God does not prevent human evil. If God struck Hitler and Mao dead or manipulated their minds when they were planning the murders, they would be puppets.

Two: The depth of a relationship depends on the extent to which the parties know each other. God’s wonderful attributes such as His grace and transforming power would be completely unknown if there was no evil.

Evil today

If we accept that God did not deliberately bring evil on earth (Adam and Eve did so) but He only allowed it, we still have to deal with present evil. Perhaps three of the most troubling features of present evil are: 2. The creation seems evil and seems to point to an evil creator – the cancer-causing sun that God has made, the earth’s crust that quakes and erupts, and the cruel animals that God made. 3. People seem to be suffering more than they deserve – the person who gets burnt alive in a car accident, the good doctor who dies in a plane crash, etc.

Let us address each of these concerns:

  1. An automated factory is more sophisticated than a factory where everything is done manually on an ad hoc basis. To display His greatness, God has made the universe “automated”. It runs according to fixed laws that He has decreed. The law of gravity will not change when a good person steps on a banana peel, nor will the weather change because there is a sudden need. The processes that make the sun send warm rays to the earth also produce harmful radiation. This constancy of the laws of nature points to God’s consistency and unchanging nature.
  2. After Adam and Eve procreated and the population increased rapidly, people refused to follow their conscience and treat each other well. The whole earth was filled with violence. To prevent the rest of human history from becoming violent anarchy, God had to bring a worldwide flood and start afresh. The earth’s crust cracked open to release water that had been stored beneath it. The cracked crust is now prone to earthquakes and volcanoes. The flood also affected the atmosphere and magnetic field of the earth. Some of the shielding mechanisms that the earth had against harmful sun rays are gone now, and the earth is now more prone to drought. It was not God’s original plan for lions to have brutal fights over territory. Adam and Eve were made the head of the creation. When they fell, creation fell too. On the cursed, post-Flood (and less luxuriant) earth, survival would be more difficult and nature would become cruel. Thus, evil in creation is a distortion due to man’s rebellion, and not God’s original work.
  3. How much do people deserve to suffer? The Bible says that the redemption of a soul is infinitely costly (Psalm 49:7-8). Why? God is infinitely great, holy and good. Therefore, sin against Him is infinitely serious, and thus calls for infinite punishment. This is shocking and frightening, and we are tempted to protest that it is not so. But think about it: how bad would it be to insult an ordinary person? Wouldn’t it be worse to insult the king? Wouldn’t it be worse to insult a good king than a bad king? Now extrapolate this to God! Thus, while our suffering seems great, it is less than what we deserve. When God metes out punishment after we die, He will take into account the suffering we had during our earthly life (Luke 16:25). Thus, the intense suffering on earth does not violate God’s justice.

Mercy in suffering

Here are some more observations we make about some of our sufferings:

  • Childbirth is painful. Although human life is beautiful, it begins with great anguish. Strategically placed suffering like this suggests to the thoughtful person that although life is wonderful, something has gone wrong and needs to be rectified.

Earning one’s living is often hard and painful: In a world where people have a propensity to do evil, work keeps people occupied and thus reduces evil.

We hurt when we touch something hot or sharp: In a world where things go wrong, this kind of pain is a helpful warning signal. Our bodies would be permanently damaged if we couldn’t sense this type of pain. · The quality of life is generally better in countries that have had a deep and lasting influence of the Bible in their heritage. Again, this shows, for those willing to accept it, that the God of the Bible is true, and thus helps them approach Him for their good.

In all the above examples, we see that God’s mercy and grace shine even amid our suffering. He intends to use suffering for our good, drawing us to Him.

Human responsibility

According to SOS-USA, a relief organization, 226 million Africans are starving. Among the causes for the situation are unfair trading practices, corruption and mismanagement of resources, and armed conflict. According to the Drinks Business magazine, in 2018, Americans spent $254 billion on alcohol, and in 2016, $117 billion on tobacco (according to a Wall Street Journal article dated April 23rd, 2017). This means if Americans would give to Africans instead of smoking and drinking, each poor African would get more than $1500 a year – more than enough to come out of starvation. “If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?” – Proverbs 24:12. So dear friend, God wants to help the starving children– through you.

According to Patent Pilot, Israel filed 155 (USA: 129) patent applications per million citizens in 2015, which was more than five times the world average.

The Nazis killed six million Jews in World War 2 and Americans aborted more than 46 million babies from 1970 to 2017 (Centers for Disease Control, counting only voluntary reporting). Thus, humans have chosen to kill the most innovative members of their race. So, is God to be blamed because the world has so many unsolved problems? Examples like these can be multiplied. They prove that when we want to blame someone for the evil around us, we should look around, not up.

God’s remedy

God has not just sat back and watched humans do evil. He has sent Jesus Christ to the world as a Savior. Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world, bearing the punishment that was due for us. If anyone turns around from their rebellion against God and believes in Christ, God will forgive him, and transform him so that he can become part of new heaven and earth in which there will be no evil!

If a person openly preaches Jesus Christ in an Asian village, he will probably be driven away, assaulted or lynched. In the light of such hatred towards God, we should not be surprised that God allows evil, but that He allows good!

To summarize, God created a universe running according to fixed laws and gave man the freedom of choice. Man has brought evil into the world and continues to do evil. Although God has allowed evil, He will judge it. Evildoers will get what they deserve according to His strict standards. The existence of evil does not preclude the existence of a good and powerful God.

By  Johnny Varghese


That still, small voice

When Jezebel in her fury threatened to kill Elijah, he got so overwhelmed; ‘he arose and ran for his life’. He took a day’s journey to the wilderness and prayed a heart-wrenching prayer. 1 Kings 19:4 says, “And he prayed that he might die, and said, “It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!” In just the previous chapter, we read of Elijah’s Mount Carmel victory in the name of the Lord. A battle like no other – Baal’s 450 prophets against one prophet of the Lord. A divinely thrilling conquest is described in 1 Kings 18: 36 onwards. Finally, “Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God! (vs. 39)” Isn’t it hard to keep the emotions inside on reading this text? Such a glorious display of God’s sovereignty!

And yet, Elijah, who knew the power of God and had seen the wonders of it, simply gave up. He just gave up to the extent that he even accepted death. He let his fear take over him. God already knew what was wrong. He sent his angels to care for Elijah, refreshing him with food and drink. He went in the strength of that food for forty days and nights as far as Horeb and hid in the mountain of God.

God knew and yet He asks him with a ‘still small voice’ not in the fire or earthquake – “What are you doing here, Elijah?” We know the voice of the Lord is powerful, as appears by the effect of it; for it works wonders. I love how God’s voice is described here as ‘still small voice’ as compared to how His voice is described in Psalm 29 (vs. 3 to 9). God gently asks Elijah as a father tenderly speaks to his hurt child. You can feel the pain within Elijah as he responds to his heavenly Father, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts; because the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.”

The servant of God had done everything in His power to prove to the children of Israel that God is the Lord of Hosts. He just didn’t seem to understand why his life was being threatened, he felt like he was the only one standing for God, he fled and hid in a cave. But God knew. He knew Elijah was afraid, discouraged and dejected. He knew zealous Elijah had reached the end of the rope…but little did Elijah know that it was only the beginning of hope. Elijah heard God’s still small voice, came out of hiding, stood at the entrance of the cave and listened to God. We read in the following verses as to how God gives him specific directions and instructions on what to do next. God ends with an encouraging statement (19: 18), “Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.” Elijah was not alone, there were 7000 in Israel standing tall for God with him! Elijah immediately departs and goes on to do wondrous things for the Lord!

I always used to wonder, if Elijah – God’s chosen prophet – couldn’t handle fear and discouragement – how can I handle it? We may feel discouraged, defeated, dejected by the noise of sin, guilt, fear, failure, exhaustion, anxiety and pain in our lives. We all have those days when we feel like we are in the wilderness, alone and with no strength to carry on. We may feel like taking flight and hiding in a cave away from the painful reality before us. I certainly do. We may not understand why but like Elijah, may we flee to the mountain of God and wait on Him to refresh us with His word, speaking to us in a still, small yet powerful voice assuring us to, “Be still and know that I am God (Ps. 46:10)”.

Amidst all the noise going on in our lives, God whispers in our ears – do we choose to listen or do we drown His voice out in the cacophony of our despair? When we pause to listen, He tenderly and lovingly directs our paths. The sooner we focus our eyes on Him and His power, the quicker we will be released from our fear, self-pity and spiritual exhaustion. “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. (Ps 37:5).”

What’s more? God assures us that we are not alone in our suffering, He has provided to us just as he did to Elijah, his own ‘reserved’ people, the church, who are standing with us and by us. They are “rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer (Rom 12:12)” for us “with one accord (Acts 1:14)”. Whatever it is that you are going through today, pause and listen to His still small voice.

By Ruthy Joby Varghese



The Lord created man in His own image and placed him in the Garden of Eden to work it and to keep it. “…God said, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” Gen 1: 28-29 After the fall of Adam i.e. mankind, God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. Thus, the farming started. His firstborn Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord but God didn’t accept his offering. Jesus spoke many things unto His followers in parables to know the secrets of heaven.

The parable of a sower and the soil is recorded by three gospel writers, Mt 13:3-9, Mk 4:3-8 and Lk 8:5-8. He said, a sower went forth to sow; the seeds fell at four different places. (a) along the way side (b) stony places (c) among thorns (d) good soil. Here the sower is the preacher, the seed is the word of God and soil is heart of the unbelievers. Jesus was preparing the disciples for the preaching work they have to do after his departure, that is the great commission.

He explained them that devil will come like fowl and catch away that was sown in few hearts. The scorching sun means the persecution and the tribulations ariseth after preaching the gospel. Thorns represent the cares of this world which choke the word and make sown seed unfruitful. Like seed sown seed into the good soil, those who hear and receive the word will bear fruit and bring forth hundredfold, sixtyfold and thirtyfold. He also warned about the antagonists of the gospel.

We know the saying, Sow today and Reap tomorrow. Four thing happens when we sow.,

a) One who sows will reap: A farmer plows the soil, waters it and puts the seed with a hope. Yes, he hopes that he will surely reap in future. So, he sows. Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy. Ps 126:6. Apostle Peter preached gospel and three thousand souls were added to their number (Acts 2:41) and again he preached the word, then many believed the word and the number of men was about five thousand. We know God called Simon Peter when he was casting a net into the sea. Jesus said, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Acts 4:18). Philip preached in Samaria. God called Paul (which was Saul’s Gentile name) to preach about Jesus to Gentile people and he did this fearlessly throughout the Roman Empire. He planted many churches in Asia and Europe.

b) Sow some reap few and sow more reap abundantly: Like the seeds that fell on good soil and yielded hundredfold, Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold as the Lord blessed him. God’s desire is for man to increase and flourish. The more we preach the gospel the more souls we can win for Him. We have to enlarge our territories. Regarding a cheerful giver New Testament says: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

c) Same thing will be reaped: Gal 6:7 Whatever one sows he will also reap. but he will reap the same thing. For e.g., if we sow wheat, we will reap wheat itself not rice. Hos 10:12 says Sow for yourselves righteousness and seek the Lord till He rains righteousness upon you. God will open the heavens above and showers down righteousness. If we sow trouble, we will plow iniquity. If we sow injustice, we will reap calamity. Abraham said of Sarah his wife, “she is my sister” Gen 20:2. His son Isaac said of Rebekah his wife, “she is my sister” Gen 26:7. This is a great lesson for parents that whatever we do, our children follow/copy.

d) Don’t sow, Never reap:. Immediate person we recall is the slothful servant who hid the one talent in ground with a handkerchief and returned the same. Master answered him, you wicked and slothful servant. You take what you did not deposit, and reap what you did not sow. So the Master told to take the one talent from him and give it to the one who has ten talents. The worthless servant was thrown into darkness. (Mt 25:24-30). Jesus said; “Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.” Jn 4:35,36. Good sowing is done with confident hope that God will give the harvest! Let us ask the Lord for wisdom, faith and guidance in knowing how to be the best spiritual farmers he wants us to be.


By Sam Valluri



Regular reading of the Bible and meditation of the word of God are indispensable for spiritual growth. Here we need to ask the primary question as to how far we are living according to the word in our daily lives – whether in our homes, or in our relationships with the immediate family members or in the society at large. Some other related ponderable questions are: As Christians, how far are we able to positively influence the people around us? Whether are Christians held in high esteem by people of other religions? Are we honest, law abiding citizens of our nation? Why many Christians are labeled as ‘namesake Christians’? Ultimately, how far can we say that we are having a right relationship with God?

Let us admit the fact that knowingly or unknowingly, we are prone to commit sins, whether they are ‘minor’ sins or ‘major’ sins. No wonder, David cried out to God ‘Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, And I shall be innocent of great transgression’. ( Ps 19:12,13 NKJV).

We are created in the image of God to glorify Him in our daily lives. God has commanded us to keep His precepts diligently (Psalm 119:4, NKJV). It must be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. We must consecrate the word in our hearts so that we become conscious of God and will not sin against God. All the laws and commandments with their interpretations in the Bible are meant for our guidance. East or West, God’s laws and commandments remain absolute. They do not change with culture or times.

The 500th anniversary of the Reformation movement was observed recently. One of the major offshoots of the movement was that Bible was made available in the believers own languages, which helped people to grow in the knowledge of God and His commandments, which has definitely caused transformation of lives. The revival movements in the subsequent centuries can be traced to personal reading of Bible and obedience to God’s ways as given in the scriptures. Thus, individual access to the word rather than depending on the clergymen was a big development. The believers are individually responsible for righteous, godly living. ‘As many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified’ (Rom 2: 12b-13, NKJV).

It is very necessary that we should not try to read and understand the Bible merely with our intellectual skills. We should meditate on the Bible verses as the Holy Spirit leads us (1 Cor 2: 13-14). The scripture is God-breathed and as such the readers will get enlightenment as the Holy Spirit inspires and guides them. Further, the Holy Spirit enables the believer to walk in the laws and statues of God (Eze 11:19 -20).

Understanding of the scriptures as guided by the Holy Spirit would help us to stay away from interpreting the scriptures to suit the individual needs. It is also necessary that we do not become judgmental, by means of our Bible knowledge. ‘Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not and you shall not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven’, says the word of God (Luke 6:37). ‘Holier than thou’ approach adversely affects our relationship with God and inter personal relationships. Victorious Christian living should be a reflection of our personal relationship with Jesus and that will be possible only when we live according to His word. ‘Jesus said ‘If you love Me, keep My commandments’ (John 14:15). ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed’ (John 8:31). Further, searching the Scriptures will be in vain if one does not have a personal relationship with Jesus (John 5: 39-40). Unless we know Jesus personally, reading of scriptures will be futile and will not pave way for a good witnessing among others. How we hear the Word is equally important. Believers are constantly exposed to umpteen number of sermons and Biblical expositions. Hence, great responsibility is cast to listen to the Word carefully and put it into practice in our lives. We are accountable to God for several messages that we hear. In the parable of the sower, the diverse responses of different types of hearers should be an eye opener to us (Matthew 13:3 – 23).

We have to overcome the crafty designs of the evil one and be faithful to our God. Fruitfulness in Christian life is definitely linked to right hearing of the Word, its proper understanding and wholeheartedly practicing it in our lives. From the Old Testament times, God’s people were warned against spiritual blindness and spiritual deafness. Our Lord was grieved by the fact that His people honored Him with their lips while their hearts were far away from Him. Is it not a hard reality that there are lots of dissension and strife and hypocrisy among Christians such that they are hardly able to impress non Christians with their lives. As we are the salt of the earth and light of the world, we have to positively influence the secular world through our lives and testimonies. This is possible only when we live according to the Word. We can march towards perfection as to our heavenly Father who is perfect, only when we obey His commandments.

In the Bible we find all the signposts for godly practical living. (2 Tim 3:16). A few verses, for example, are listed here: The need for holiness and purity in our lives as we are the temple of God (1 Cor 3:16) ;Victorious Christian living ( 2 Cor 2:14);Imbibing the fruit of the Spirit in our daily lives (Gal 5: 22-23); Overcoming our weaknesses (Philippians 4:13); Offering our lives as living sacrifices to God (Rom 12: 1, 2);Godliness in our conversations (Col 4:6; James 3: 1-12);Warnings against the greed for money. (Mathew 6:24; 1 Tim 6:6); Casting our cares on God and not to worry ( Mathew 6: 25- 34); Sanctity of marriage : (Eph5:22- 33;Heb 13:4); Children and parents Eph 6: 1-4);Loving neighbours Eph 4:32; Right , godly thinking ( Ph. 4:8); etc. Christians have a great responsibility to live according to the word of God. Ignoring this fact can have disastrous consequences- losing the divine privilege of having the fellowship with God. (John13:8).

By George John